Amigos da Cultura Afro-Brasileira
The new communication possibilities of the Internet make international projects with social networks (NGO) more feasible outside the commercialised mechanisms. The exchange of independent information and opinions is improving with the support of the Internet. Our home-page about the Afro-Brazilian Culture shows our interest in mutual raizes and in a positive development in Africa, Brazil and Europe. 500 years after the colonization of African countries and Brazil by the Portuguese "Conquistadores" bringing slavery and discrimination of black and native people, the African Culture is still present in Brazil with all the rich and beautiful elements in the areas of religion, language, dance and music.
Brazilian indigenous people lost their human rights, their land, their identity and their liberty to live their own life. The values of their forgotten societies are not yet sufficiently discovered by most of the "civilized" people in Brazil as well as in the rest of the world. Therefore, there is a lot to be done in future.
Fotos taken by Claus Bunk © - african sculptures in the parc Ultramarino (Belem/Lisbon)
A very special attention is paid to the situation of the children in Africa and
Brazil because they represent the hope for a better future. We do not tollerate African
regimes giving arms to children, forcing children to kill other people or to prostitute
themselves. We disagree with bad treatment or even killing of street kids in the big
"civilised" cities of Brazil or elsewhere. Any initiative against these negative
tendencies should get our mutual support. Perspectives must be given to the youth in
Africa as well as in Brazil. We support any project improving this situation. is an organization which is stating an example what can be
Copyright © Afrobrasil - Most recent revision , 10. 10. 2014
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